The Day My Life Came Down | Teen Ink

The Day My Life Came Down

November 27, 2017
By k.athrynd BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
k.athrynd BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Elsie! Your mom is here to pick you up!”
I stood up not knowing what would happen when I walked out that door. My head was racing through potential ideas of why she was here.
I stopped. I was standing deadly still when I realized why she was here. All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I knew what was wrong, but I was in denial.
My hand trembled as the old, metal door creaked open to my locker. Everything I picked up fell. I was a superhero with no power. I tried to walk down the hall. I kept telling myself, just one foot in front of the other. The walls that had previously been brightly splattered with pictures and projects were now gray and lifeless. Soon, All I could see were my eyes filling up with tears. My face was a pale, white bed sheet. Falling. I felt like I was falling into darkness.
All I could think was, “No, this can’t happen. Not now, not ever. It can’t end yet because I’m not ready, because I will never be ready.”

The author's comments:

This is a short story about a girl named Elsie. She finds out at school that her fater passed away, and her world changes immediatly. I decided to write this piece about something similar that happened to my friend. I hope that people sart to understand what loss feels like and what people go through.

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