You'd Never Believe Me | Teen Ink

You'd Never Believe Me

November 28, 2017
By juliakeegan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
juliakeegan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You'd never believe me if i told you but I can see.

You surround yourself with work and projects and you never have time for me.

I go outside and play alone.

The only time we spend is in the car when you drop me off to school or feel guilty and buy me a present. 

At home I see the stacks of papers in the cluttered office. 

Ever since dad left you fill your time with anything but me.

Did you not think I would notice? 

I hear the cries you call out in the night.

Each dream I have is for you to finally pay attention. 

See me, hold me, love me.

You'd never beleive me but I know I am right. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about a girl who feels that her mother doesn't pay attention to her.  I was inspired to write this piece because at times I feel like I can relate to girl in the story. I hope people learn that people make mistakes and we all don't have a happy life at times. Hope will guide us and we will get through all the struggles that life throws at us. 

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