The Mailman | Teen Ink

The Mailman

February 26, 2018
By Anonymous

Chuck was a unique man. He was the kind that could make you feel better just by his presence of being with you. He had a wife and three kids, and he was a mailman. Each day, Chuck walked and delivered people’s mail to their houses. He loved the thought of walking and listening to nature. He was a genuine, thoughtful man, always putting others before himself.
After a long time of being a walking mailman, Chuck decided to switch to a driving mailman. He could not take the biting dogs anymore! The decision was for the best, and he still went on walks with his wife at home. In a way, becoming a driving mailman opened Chuck up to more people than he thought. Interesting people.
The last three houses Chuck stopped at each day were the most fascinating to him. The first were the Smith’s, a young couple who had just started their lives together. The second were the Hindle’s, a family with a dog. This dog was sweet though, he would lick Chuck instead of bite him. The last home was an old, jubilant couple, Bob and Susan. Chuck drove past their house, day after day, delivering their mail, seeing them sitting on their porch, holding hands, and laughing. No matter the condition, they were always happy together. Everyone knew Bob and Susan had something special. This always put a smile on Chuck’s face.
One day, Chuck went to Bob and Susan’s house to deliver their mail, and Bob was alone. Bob was not smiling, and was not holding anyone’s hand. He later found out from the Hindle’s that Susan had passed away. Now when Chuck drove past Bob’s house, he saw him sitting on the porch alone. Bob just sat, reminiscing of the times he had with Susan. In his eyes, you could see that Bob was torn apart. They had been married for 50 years, and with her being gone, he felt incomplete.
Chuck had to think of something to do for Bob, and he had to think fast. He researched things about what makes people who have lost a loved one happy again. Multiple tips came up, but none felt right to Chuck. After careful consideration, he knew that taking Bob out to lunch would be fun and would get him to quit thinking about his loss. The next day, Thursday, Chuck would invite Bob to lunch.
Chuck was approaching Bob’s house the next day, so he gathered his mail and put it in his mailbox. He took a sharp right into Bob’s bumpy driveway, stepped out of the car, and walked up to Bob, who was silent sitting on his porch.
Chuck said, “Ummm… how are you doing Bob?”
Bob responded, “Just fine.”
Chuck replied, “I’m so sorry for your loss.”
Bob did not say anything. He just smiled at his considerate mailman. The two men stood there for a while, listening to nature.
Chuck said after a prolonged time, “What do you say we go out to lunch? You are my last house each day, so I’m free if you are.”
Bob considered this for a lengthy amount of time and finally responded, “That would be very nice.”
Ever since that day, the two men went out to lunch every Thursday. Bob became happier, and Chuck realized that something so little could make such a huge difference. They grew to become great friends, and without Chuck, Bob still might have grieved on his porch day after day.
On one particular day, Bob was extremely contented. The whole lunch he was smiling, asking Chuck about his wife and kids. This was usually a sore topic because of Bob’s wife passing, but it was not on that day. Chuck dropped Bob off, and all the way home thought about what had made Bob so happy. Little did he know, it was something no one would expect. 
Several weeks later, Chuck drove up ready to take Bob to lunch, except they could not go. Chuck saw an unpredictable site, a site that nobody expected, but something that would bring smiles to each and every person who knew Bob. Bob was sitting on his porch, holding hands, and laughing with someone else. Chuck realized that Bob did not need him anymore. He helped Bob get through his mournful time. The two men lived to be lifetime friends, and Bob always thanked Chuck for helping him see the light.
And life goes on.

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