Laundry Day | Teen Ink

Laundry Day

March 1, 2018
By Archimedes BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Archimedes BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“If you cut off your nipple it will grow back”, Martin was full of trivia like this, even though it seemed to have no practical value.

It seemed even less valuable considering the current state of the world, food shortages, plagues, and massive riots and generally what even the least  superstitious of people might consider signs of the end of days. Martin pondered these things as he did his laundry at the local laundromat when he was approached by Joey
“ Can you break a ten?”, he inquired holding up the faded green portrait of Alexander Hamilton.

“Sure”, Martin said pulling out his weathered leather wallet, and handing him two fives.

“Crazy world we live in, eh?”, Joey said. “Huh?, oh yeah seems like everything's going to hell these days.” Martin said after what a socially adept person would’ve considered a rather awkward amount of time, sadly Martin wasn’t socially adept, far from it in fact.

“So what detergent you use?” Joey asked, continuing his effort to make idle conversation,
“ The generic kind”, Martin responded beginning to regret breaking that ten a few minutes ago.

“But what if you have a date, or have to go a funeral, you’re just going to show up smelling like generic laundry detergent? You gotta at least use Tide.”,Joey said, looking out the window on the abandoned street as a mugger held up a woman.

“What does it matter what kind of laundry detergent I use?”, Martin said letting a long, frustrated sigh.
“What does it matter? Buddy you’re never going to get anywhere in life using cheapo laundry detergent you gotta use the good stuff” Joey said, right as an individual of questionable morals threw a brick through window of the liquor store across the street and attempted to escape with several bottles of Jack Daniels only to be run off by the clerk who kept a ‘9 under the counter for just such occasions. The chanting from a few blocks away exclaiming the end times were here, and sinners should repent their ungodly ways or prepare to face an eternity of torment grew louder.

“Did you know the mitochondria isn’t really the powerhouse of the cell?”, Martin stated, making a half attempt to change the subject, he also occasionally used this a coping mechanism in uncomfortable social situations.
“ Really?” Joey said,

“Yep” Martin said, hoping somehow the washer would speed up so he could exit this uncomfortable situation.
“Did you know that the more oxygen there is in atmosphere, the larger the bugs get?” Joey inquired,
“ No I didn’t” Martin sighed, a long awkward pause ensued as the riot police showed in attempt to quell the crowd a few blocks away, and the calls to repent grew louder, and became supplemented with the shouts that the laws of the governments of earth held no sway over them, the crowd became more unruly and gunfire erupted. Meanwhile the awkward silence continued. Perhaps Martin and Joey picked the wrong day to do their laundry because at that moment a troubled youth threw a Molotov cocktail through the window, killing the introvert, and man who he had a very awkward conversation with.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece from a group of random facts and characters I recived for a prompt in my creative writing class

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