El Norte | Teen Ink

El Norte

March 5, 2018
By Villiami SILVER, Sacramento, California
Villiami SILVER, Sacramento, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"stars cant shine without darkness"

“Runnn La Migra is coming hurry!”, Ever heard the term, “La Migra”? Well your going to hear that alot in the movie El Norte. El Norte is a very interesting but fascinating movie. It's about immigrants but, I can see this movie as an influence as well. There are two characters Enrique and Rosa, they are brother and sister from each other trying to find a better life out of Guatemala.

The two are now on a journey to find a better life in America. They literally go thru hell trying to make it across the border. But, what they had done to get across is very influencing to me and very crazy as well. They had to crawl thru a very small tunnel underground for a very long time. But, the fascinating part about their journey is that as they were almost close to the end they bump into some major trouble. Guess the trouble you won't believe it they bump into a stampede of vicious disease carrying rats! As Enrique and Rosa try to fight back from the rats they are getting bitten everywhere. What influences me on that scene is that after their little attack from the rats they still keep going towards the end of the tunnel. Without stopping and without going back there on a journey to find a better life.

As they get to the end of the tunnel they meet their friend that helped guide them to get across the border. They been thru alot since they crawled thru the little tunnel but, they now hope all that work pays off. As they get to America and find their new home they have to be grateful for what they have there instead of being dead in the tunnel. It was to clean in their little room but, they had to make it work. As their on the hunt for new jobs they find one but, they don't work together. Rosa is a house cleaner and Enrique is working in a fancy restaurant.

As they work and work things start to downfall and the sun starts to shine. Rosa is starting to get very sick and Enrique gets an opportunity of a lifetime. He has to work for a lady and she would help him get a green card so he wouldn't have to run away from la migra again. But, the problem is he has to fly out of state leaving his sister sick by herself. So he denies the lifetime opportunity and helps his sister but, she later dies in the hospital next to his side. Whatever happens to Enrique without his sister being there now.

The author's comments:

The immgration and how there slept on.


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