Shadows | Teen Ink


January 10, 2011
By Sir_awesome BRONZE, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
Sir_awesome BRONZE, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stereotypes are stereotypes fot a reason

I awoke in a cold sweat grasping the side of my neck. I'd just experienced the dream of the night i was turned, not a dream actually but rather a memory of the ghost of my formal self. Im not human, at least not any more. I'd give anything to be human again but i know that wont happen so ill make the best of it. Im sleeping at my employers house because if we work for him he'll give us a place to eat. Being a vampire isn all fun and games. It doesnt have a twighligt ending. I had to leave every one i love including my girlfriend and family. They'd never understand, they'd think of me as a freak and i couldnt take that. A soft rap on my door told me that it was time to get up and do one of his "special jobs". What it was i dont know but ive learned to ignore my concience and to survive...

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