Sci-fi/fantasy stories written by teens | Teen Ink


Top voted Sci-fi/Fantasy Articles

#61voted by our readers
By Bethanblack PLATINUM
Kington, Please Select

Growing up,nightmares plagued me relentlessly and yet,every night at 12:00 I would be awoken to a knock at the door.And all that would meet me was an empty doorstep. Nobody else he...
Bethanblack PLATINUM, Kington, Please Select
41 articles 32 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Boys are meant to ruin your lipstick, not your mascara" --Marilyn Monroe

#62 Fiction
#63 Fiction
By Anonymous
#64 Fiction
By HerbertTheBird BRONZE
Saratoga, California
HerbertTheBird BRONZE, Saratoga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#65 Fiction
By divinefly BRONZE
Fresh Meadows, New York
divinefly BRONZE, Fresh Meadows, New York
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am the eggman/We are the eggmen" - John Lennon

#66 Fiction
By IshaanPalekar BRONZE
Cupertino, California
IshaanPalekar BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
JacobLindland SILVER, Dulles, Virginia
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment
#68 Fiction
By sophiacotton BRONZE
St. Louis, Missouri
sophiacotton BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#69 Fiction
#70 Fiction
Bella_Queen DIAMOND, Plymouth, Ohio
90 articles 26 photos 79 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.<br /> -Walt Whitman