A Story of the House | Teen Ink

A Story of the House

January 21, 2012
By Regs_the_Shorty GOLD, Frankfort, Illinois
Regs_the_Shorty GOLD, Frankfort, Illinois
13 articles 0 photos 129 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are people who finish what they start and.....

It’s not fun being the new girl and it’s even worse when you live in a house that everyone thinks is haunted. When I walked into the new school I heard everyone whispering and pointing at me.

I walked up to one girl and asked “What’s everyone talking about?”

“You. You live in a house that’s haunted.” The girl said

“Hey everybody you want to hear a story about my house?” I yelled “Every night a little ghost girl opens and shuts the windows and doors. One night I heard footsteps and when I opened my door to look outside my door the footprints went into my room and there was a depression on my bed.”

“Wait how did you know that it was a girl?” one boy asked

“Because when she sat down I heard a little girl’s voice talking. She said “This was my parents’ room. Why did you change it? I will get you for every changing this room. You will suffer.” Everyone stared at me but I just walked away. I didn’t care who starred I just loved an opportunity to tell a story. All of my classes I got asked more and more questions about the house and each one I answered with a bone-chilling story.

I walked all the way home to think of more stories to tell the next day. When I finally arrived at my house I saw a face in my window. It was a little girls face. I immediately got the chills.

“It’s just your imagination. It’s just your imagination.” I told myself to try and keep calm. I walked up to the door and opened it. Nothing was there. My mom had written a note on the counter saying that she and my dad would be out of town today and be back late tonight. I popped some popcorn in the microwave and sat on the couch to finish my home work and watch some television. When it was ten I decided to turn off the television and crawl into bed. I fell asleep right away only to be awoken by some footsteps getting closer and closer to my room. I opened the door and there were footprints leading closer and closer to my door till they went right on into my room. The foot prints went to my bed and then there was a slight indent where something was sitting.

“Who’s there?” I said trying not to make my voice waver

“Don’t you remember me? I’m the girl from your little story, except I'm real.” She said and right then she appeared. She looked to be about five or six with little blonde pigtails the only thing different about her was the red eyes. Before I even knew it there was a sharp pain in my side and the girl was next to me.
“Go ahead and scream no one will hear you!” the little girl yelled while I screamed.
“Mom! Dad! Anyone! Please help!” I yelled
“No one will hear you scream” the girl chanted over and over again each time stabbing me over and over again. I was too weak to keep screaming instead I lay on the ground just looking at the girl.
“Please” I whispered to the girl.
“No. I’m taking you like your parents took the rest of my family. I will finally be free once you die.” She said in a whisper. I started to writhe in pain and I slipped into the darkness of death.

The author's comments:
A lot of people tell stories and I always wondered what if one came true? So I wrote about a girl telling a story that came true. It is a bit dark, but I hope everyone likes it!(:


This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 25 2012 at 8:47 am
AndriaGromley SILVER, Hillsdale, Pennsylvania
8 articles 2 photos 113 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday, upon the stair,<br /> I met a man who wasn&rsquo;t there<br /> He wasn&rsquo;t there again today<br /> I wish, I wish he&rsquo;d go away...

Very good, but I don't understand what happened to the girl's parents