Words. | Teen Ink


August 2, 2018
By Anonymous

“I speak, therefore I am.” Words flow, stumble, come out all at once, or don’t come at all. They deceive us, betray us, hurt us, yet we’re always there, waiting for them. Words express us but most of the time we end up saying the things that we don’t wish to say at all. “Why?” we ask. Maybe that’s what the other person wants to hear, or the complete opposite. Our feelings get in between our conscience. Feelings.

A simple human emotion is the often the most complicated thing in the world. That’s what makes us weak specimens. Even though other creatures have the ability to feel emotions too, only a few of them have the ability to vocally express them. A gift and a curse. The curse is that words hurt. They do, they really do. They can degrade you, but at the same time uplift you. Words can make you think that you are worthless. You start thinking that the world is out to get you, when in fact life does not care about you. And that hurts too.

One of mankind’s reflexes is to avoid these feelings. We form a misconception in our heads that by impeding and stalling these feelings, we won’t have to feel them. But in one moment, one second, in one breath, you’ll have to feel whatever feelings you are hiding from. And it will be agonizing. The good thing is that after you feel those feelings, you’ll finally be able to move on. Finally be able to start a new chapter, a new sentence and even a new word. Your book will be remarkable. Your story will exist, and without an end. Because words were made to be eternal.

The author's comments:

Just a short piece I wrote in my free time. I hope someone can relate to what I wrote. Enjoy!

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