Rap Music Review | Teen Ink

Rap Music Review

March 2, 2023
By Ryland22 BRONZE, Lethbridge, Alberta
Ryland22 BRONZE, Lethbridge, Alberta
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m writing about rap music, the pros, and the cons of listening to this type of music. There’s a bunch of different types of rap music. 
There are a lot of different rappers with different styles of rap music which helps with a lot of stuff. Rap music can help hype you up before a big game or calm you down after a stressful day. Rappers can be a huge inspiration to teenage kids. Most rappers come from nothing and end up making million dollars showing kids they can do what they want if they have dedication. Most rap songs are written from things they have seen and been through and if you can relate to some of the songs it means more than just a song. Rap goes across the world so wherever you live there will be rap songs for all languages. The lyrics in the songs with the beats give kids the energy they need to get threw though days. There are some rappers who don’t use swear words that are good for the young generation and most songs aren’t hard rap like everyone says most are calm rap the helps you relate and calm down. Almost all rappers show love to their fans knowing they would be nothing without them. 

The cons to rap songs are the bad language used in some of the songs. Almost all the top rappers use swear words more than they need in their songs. Rappers aren’t always the greatest people and who they are on screen. Some of them are in jail or on parole or went to jail for past serious crimes. Some songs can influence kids into doing bad stuff and ruining their lives because of lyrics they heard. Almost all rappers can say stuff in their songs which can lead to the rappers getting hurt. Rap songs aren’t meant for the younger generation yet most of the kids listening are kids under 10. All the latest rappers that have passed away died from overdoses and shootings, it’s very rare you hear of rappers dying from old age. Some rappers could take their lyrics to a new level that makes it horrible wondering if those things happened.  

I recommend rap music to kids over 12 sense some of the music can be not good for the ears of little kids under the age of 12. I recommend it sense it is a good way to close the outside world out and help get through hard times and I always listen to it on big game days to get me hyped for games. It’s a good way to make friends if you guys are into the same style of music. The main reason I like rap music is because the variety of styles makes it almost impossible to get tired off. 

The author's comments:

I'm in grade 9.

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on Jan. 11 2024 at 2:17 pm
avinthechipmunk100, Cerritos, California
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first grade ahh