The Impact of Wars and Conflict on the Environment | Teen Ink

The Impact of Wars and Conflict on the Environment

March 8, 2023
By Tazzabazza BRONZE, Geelong, Other
Tazzabazza BRONZE, Geelong, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

War and conflict can directly lead to environmental destruction. The areas in which wars take place are often filled with wreckage from bombed structures such as what was buildings, houses and even cities they are also filled with damaged military equipment, chemical pollution, and at times even radioactive waste. Natural resources such as water are being increasingly used as weapons of war, for example by diverting water or destroying dams. In times of conflict the environmental protection decreases and the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and environmental crime increases. 

War and conflict makes stability and peace harder to achieve and maintain and it deepens the environmental crisis humanity is facing 

Some people may argue the fact that it’s impossible to keep world peace and to stop war. However I do believe that it can be stopped or maintained to help keep the environment protected from more damage and humanity engaged in less conflict 

Relating to the movies robo cop and pacific Rim, these too characters are invented to prevent war or control it. And pacific Rim was designed to stop the alien invasions that occurred by creating a giant robot built with extreme technology. I believe that to stop wars from occurring or causing damage having something similar to a robot as a protector to the hotspots of war and conflict to protect civilians and having such technology to be able to prevent damage from occurring to the environment. 

The author's comments:

I have always enjoyed writing and creating stories. I do believe that someday maybe something like the idea I have opposed could happen because technology is always evolving.


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