A Dying Last Breth. | Teen Ink

A Dying Last Breth.

April 5, 2010
By forgotten94 GOLD, Henderson, Nevada
forgotten94 GOLD, Henderson, Nevada
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don’t let them take you ALIVE.”

You my be gone but not forgoten, I wonder,we wonder what you were thinking bfore you took this life and threw it away? Jimmy,do you know what you are doing to me? I will never know why you felt the need to comit suicide,I geuss we will never know,but why did you let the world and all your problmes win?And for what,because you couldent take it?Jimmy, you know love you, and I allways will,I know your prents never payed attention jimmy, but have been thinking since igotyur letter, the oneu sent two days before you killed yourelf, nice timeing by the way, it got to me the day you did it,was I yor last thought? In some way I hope I was, I miss you Jimmy!I'll pray for you, for us,Ill pray for the best,your gone but not forgoten.

The author's comments:
tHis is for my Bestfreind Jimmy S.,Who sent me a letter two days beorehe comited suicde i le you jimmy!!


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