Nature | Teen Ink

Nature MAG

By Anonymous


what beauty, wonders and bountiful mystery
nature conveys before our very senses
they once lived with nature's
beauty, inspiration, medicine, food, shelter, love, comfort
and much more
see with your very eye her sights that amaze me
nature's outstretch array of sunrise and sunset
nature's brilliant colors and picturesque
and you will see what it is i see
hear the very sounds of a stream
that trickles through the depths of the forest
listen to the sounds of the birds that sing
hear the cascading waterfalls
beat down upon the rocky ground
and you will hear what it is i hear
walk upon the ocean's beaches
let your feet sink in the sand
feel through your toes the grainy, course sand
let the ocean's blue-green water touch your feet
oh feel the earth's coat of dirt against your body
lie with her sometimes
rest your tired body against hers
let your mother earth replenish your soul
and you will feel what it is i feel
smell the fresh scents of pine
the aroma of nature's herbs and flowers
take into your lungs the sweet smells of winter
smell the salt from the sea
and you will smell what it is i smell
taste the sweet bounty of fruits and vegetables
that nature provides
taste the salt from that sea
taste the fresh water that quenches my thirst
and you will taste what it is i taste
and when you have nature
you have everything you ever wanted

by J. A., Leeds, NY


This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!