How Long Submissions Take to be Approved | Teen Ink

How Long Submissions Take to be Approved

December 6, 2009
By Anonymous

It seems that when you submit something, it takes weeks, perhaps even months for it to be approved. Everything is always published on the website, is it not? Has anyone ever received a letter saying your article was not approved and will never will be? I don't think so. Why not just post everything up right away so we no longer have to wait and wait to see our work up online.

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This article has 423 comments.

on Jun. 2 2011 at 5:15 pm
FULLFORCE BRONZE, Hyde Park, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

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Math- Matical!

your definetly right on that!

on May. 31 2011 at 5:03 pm
tayleeeeeeeer SILVER, Laplata, Maryland
5 articles 1 photo 44 comments

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Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.

Well, just be positive. If they posted them immediately, your work would never be discovered(:

on May. 6 2011 at 7:03 pm
RideTheWave BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 30 comments
what i have found is that since there are a lot of poems submitted, the poems i sumbit take a while to be posted. but there are not many novels, that is probably why it doesnt take as long for them to get approved, because the list of pieces to approve is shorter.

Aderes47 GOLD said...
on May. 5 2011 at 1:58 pm
Aderes47 GOLD, Cambridge, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 897 comments

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You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. <br /> Henry Drummond

I cannot tell you how much I agree with this person! The work takes like a month to get up on the website!! It's very aggrvating!

Neta613 GOLD said...
on May. 4 2011 at 9:26 pm
Neta613 GOLD, Highland Park, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I think that the world is just not used to nice people lik Authorgal98 and lyssa28

xoteryn BRONZE said...
on Apr. 30 2011 at 12:48 pm
xoteryn BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 7 comments

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\&quot;Shoot for the moon--if you miss, you will land somewhere among the stars.\&quot;

I'm actually relieved to read this. I was worried I just wasn't getting approval because I submitted mine like 2 weeks ago and have gotten nothing in response lol

on Apr. 13 2011 at 9:39 pm
likeitmatters SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 0 photos 26 comments
That may be, but you have to understand that they get hundreds of articles every day. Which they then must consider for the magazine and more importantly, check for authenticity. Just be patient <3

on Apr. 9 2011 at 2:39 pm
3moh3art11639 SILVER, Fayetteville, North Carolina
6 articles 14 photos 10 comments
RIGHT! i know it takes forever

TheJust ELITE said...
on Apr. 8 2011 at 9:35 am
TheJust ELITE, Ellenton, Florida
254 articles 202 photos 945 comments

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&quot;I feel that a hero is somebody who will stand up for their values and what they believe in and that can take any form. People that have values and have thought them through rather than those who just do what they&rsquo;re told.&quot;-Skandar Keynes<br /> <br /> &quot;When it&rsquo;

Something I've also noticed is it matters when you submit them. If you submit them right after the newest issue is announced, it will take longer because they aren't working on the next issue right yet.

mikey2.0 said...
on Apr. 8 2011 at 9:32 am

Actually it is. No one takes responsibility for their work anymore. They act like because they don't take the time to double check their work and then they're embarressed by it, that it's Teen Ink's fault. It's not.

Take pride in your own work and take the time to make it your best. Don't blame others when you don't care enough to write your own work correctly.

on Apr. 5 2011 at 7:32 pm
ambermoore GOLD, Boone, Iowa
10 articles 1 photo 5 comments

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Live.Laugh.Love<br /> Drag my name through the mud &amp; I still come out clean-lil wayne

Same with mine!!

on Apr. 5 2011 at 7:30 pm
ambermoore GOLD, Boone, Iowa
10 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live.Laugh.Love<br /> Drag my name through the mud &amp; I still come out clean-lil wayne

Uhh yeah! Mines taken over a month now & still hasnt got put up!

TheJust ELITE said...
on Mar. 30 2011 at 9:02 am
TheJust ELITE, Ellenton, Florida
254 articles 202 photos 945 comments

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&quot;I feel that a hero is somebody who will stand up for their values and what they believe in and that can take any form. People that have values and have thought them through rather than those who just do what they&rsquo;re told.&quot;-Skandar Keynes<br /> <br /> &quot;When it&rsquo;

It may be the section you're submitting to. Fiction and poetry are some of the longest wait times. But reviews and letters to the editor take a couple of days to be posted. And I never meant that it doesn't take that long for some people, but because a few people say it takes forever it scares away all the possible new comers. :/

TheJust ELITE said...
on Mar. 30 2011 at 8:58 am
TheJust ELITE, Ellenton, Florida
254 articles 202 photos 945 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I feel that a hero is somebody who will stand up for their values and what they believe in and that can take any form. People that have values and have thought them through rather than those who just do what they&rsquo;re told.&quot;-Skandar Keynes<br /> <br /> &quot;When it&rsquo;

Honestly, it really doesn't. It mainly depends on the section you submit to and how much you submit. And even when it does take longer than usual, are you really gonna let that stop you from possibly getting published? :/

on Mar. 27 2011 at 7:07 am
hannahbbycakes, Brownsburg, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments
Darn! Well, I'm kind of new here and haven't even subscribed to the magazine yet...but I didn't think It would take that long. Great...

on Mar. 26 2011 at 6:34 pm
karstarr13 BRONZE, Swansea, South Carolina
3 articles 2 photos 21 comments
I mean IDK, i think it takes a month or longer because there's SOO many people submitting stuff. If your stuff gets accepted in a short time, then thats awesome lol. But... unfortunitly mine has taken more than month :(

TheJust ELITE said...
on Mar. 26 2011 at 1:27 pm
TheJust ELITE, Ellenton, Florida
254 articles 202 photos 945 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I feel that a hero is somebody who will stand up for their values and what they believe in and that can take any form. People that have values and have thought them through rather than those who just do what they&rsquo;re told.&quot;-Skandar Keynes<br /> <br /> &quot;When it&rsquo;

That has nothing to do with it, thank you very much. I'm talking about how long it took even BEFORE I got published. 

And btw you're calling me a liar too, so how's that different? And I never said you were a liar. The majority of the people I've talked to have agreed with me.

And this whole article is scaring potential authors away from pursuing their dreams because it may "take too long".  So, you're going to give up on your dreams because it may take a long time? That's the American way I guess. Right now, or not at all.

And with my first comment, I was clarifying because I've been yelled at before for that mistake. So, apparently you're wrong about everyone making the distiction. I wasn't be mean or even crass, just making a statement. Sorry that I didn't want others to be bashed for the same mistake.

And you can comment back if you'd like, but I won't. You're being nit-picky about everything which just makes you sound like a snob. So, bye.

on Mar. 26 2011 at 7:19 am
aspiringauthor_ BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 324 comments

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&quot;Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.&quot; - MLK Jr.

That's exactly what I think. :)

on Mar. 26 2011 at 7:17 am
aspiringauthor_ BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 324 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.&quot; - MLK Jr.

Well, most people would've been able to make that assumption. And as for how long it takes, all of mine have taken at least a month. I think it may be because you've been published in the print magazine before. But other people's submissions do indeed take longer... How would you know how long someone else's submission took to be approved? They could have been lying. (And for the record, I am not.)

on Mar. 24 2011 at 1:26 pm
inspiredbytheworld BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
3 articles 5 photos 30 comments
Well, I suppose I agree with Aspiringauthor. I am proud of my work and believe that it is my absolute best. However, if someone thinks that their own piece is their absolute best, then they have only their opinion. To me, it is other's opinions that determine if you're a good writer or not.