My magic cookies | Teen Ink

My magic cookies

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Let’s set the scene shall we, it’s mid afternoon in February. I looked out my window to see the ground was covered in a blanket of snow. All I wanted to do was go outside and play in it, but I was trapped inside listening to my teacher give an in-depth description of why the green light is important to Gatsby and his story. Laying back down I decided to pick up my phone and see if anyone else had anything more interesting going on. As I was scrolling through TikTok something caught my eye “THE BEST CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES EVER!” in big bold colorful letters.I watched the video and read the directions. I was still pretty skeptical of the whole thing but I still wanted to make them and see how they tasted. I waited patiently for the lecture to end and have my teacher dismiss us for the afternoon. I scurried down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I got all the ingredients out. I reread the recipe because I was confused by the pudding mix and cornstarch in the chocolate chip cookies, “this must be a joke” I thought in my head. I almost quit and went to study for my test on Homozygous and heterozygous genotypes, but I did not. I decided to power through and trust the process. I browned the butter and let it cool then mixed it into the dry ingredients and added chocolate. They smelled amazing like my grandma’s house when we visited her. When I pulled them out of the oven I sprinkled a little sea salt on them and put them in white to-go boxes and wrapped them up with a red ribbon. I called my family friends and asked if they would taste test my cookies. They happily agreed so I drove over and my mom and I dropped them off. I got back in my car. I was a bit nervous. My mind was racing: what if the cookies are terrible, what if they are too salty, too dry, too crisp, and too much cornstarch. I got home and received a text in our big family group chat that read “ these are the best cookies I have ever had”. I picked one up and tried it. They were right. The cookies were pretty good but I thought I could make them even better. I kept making the cookies and giving them to the same people till my dad told me no more giving these cookies away they are too good. That’s when I knew they were perfect. It was the perfect Covid getaway, something to look forward to after school. I loved making them and now I am known for my famous chocolate chip cookies. They have become a staple at family gatherings, with all my brothers friends, and my friends.I’m very happy that I did not quit just because the recipe sounded weird. It will forever be my favorite Covid find that I will make sure to make for every event in the future. 

The author's comments:

I am a High school senior about to go off to college. I love writing for fun! 

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