Recipe for Happiness | Teen Ink

Recipe for Happiness

March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

If i could write the recipe for happiness i would first say, Happiness can be an emotion or a lifestyle depending on how you live your life and what you put into your body. First you will need to make a vision board of what you want your life to be like but nothing you can't accomplish like changing your height or your eye color. Prepare your meals, eat healthy. The better materials you put in your body the better you feel. That doesn't just mean food, It is who you are around, what music you listen to, and your mindset. If you are just sitting in bed and discouraging yourself, procrastinating, what is that going to get done? Where if you just add some confidence you could be getting the things you need done, done and feel better.

So first add all the positive mindset you have.

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