Colorism in Vogue | Teen Ink

Colorism in Vogue

March 8, 2023
By mhurst BRONZE, Brookyln, New York
mhurst BRONZE, Brookyln, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Colorism is discrimination against people with a darker skin tone, typically directed at a certain ethnic or racial group. Colorism is a tremendous part of the world we live in and affects many people. Many people you probably know have experienced and been affected by colorism. Friends, family, or acquaintances have definitely experienced it, which is why we need to help bring it to an end. When the class was looking through magazines and analyzing the data that was shown, we saw a bluntly big amount of colorism. Especially in the Vogue Magazine, darker skin tones were represented much less than lighter skin tones.

Throughout our class's study of colorism we have found out that colorism is shown way too much in our society. It is especially shown in different technology, beauty products, and magazines/articles. These things usually do not represent darker skin tones, as I stated before. Our class decided to look through different articles/magazines and record the information looking to see if colorism was represented in these magazines/articles. We found a lot of results that we put into two way tables and graphs to show the information clearly.  

As you can see from all three of these data sets, the medium/light skin tones are much  more represented than the darker skin tones. To get a full visual from this data you can see the histogram. It clearly shows how much more lighter skin tones are shown in the Vogue magazine, both ads and articles. The two way table shows a better representation of percentages as the graph shows a full layout. 

With both the numerical and categorical data you can see that lighter skin tones are more represented. From numerical, it is shown that 50% of the Ads were taken by Medium light. Articles were almost there with 41.7% on the Medium light skin tone. It is also shown categorically that the lighter-medium skin tones appear much more. While doing this study there could have also been some bias. Many people could have picked the images they wanted from both ads and articles, to prove that one skin color is more represented than the other. Because we took such little photos the data could be misrepresented. If we took data from the whole magazine, the conclusion could have been much different. 


Works cited:


Categorical: 5.07 Two Way Table Model – Group #6

Numerical: Class RGB Collection Form (Responses)

5.17 pre-writing questions:

The author's comments:

This article is about colorism and how it shows up in magazines, specifically vogue.

This is the link to my doc, there are critical images that don't show up in the article pasted above. 

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