Children Aren't Useless | Teen Ink

Children Aren't Useless

March 15, 2023
By Anonymous

Recently, child labor is now being seen as an issue by many, and some are even taking action to prevent it. Putting an end to child labor could possibly seem like the right thing to do, but don’t make up your mind until you consider the positive results. I believe that the best course of action we can take as a society is to allow child labor.

One reason child labor should not be abolished is because it allows children to assist their parents in supporting their family. It ensures families have food, water, and shelter and guaranteed survival, not including the dangers of their occupation. Even if children are being paid far below minimum wage, it is enough to prevent starvation. A close friend of mine, Charles Manson, a man that I deeply respect, agrees with my proposal. 

Another one of the many reasons child labor ha a positive influence on society is that the dangerous work conditions isn’t a big problem. One of the big reasons child labor activists are against child labor is because of the conditions the children work in, but this is not a valid or reasonable claim because children heal faster than adults, so they can handle rougher conditions. Children’s bones heal faster than adults, not only because they are smaller, but also they are less dense and require less time and energy to heal. This also applies to their skin. For example, if a child breaks their arm, it heals around three times faster than an adult’s arm. Studies have also shown that 30 and a half out of 31 of child laborers recovered from their injuries without any permanent damage.

Lastly, since children are smaller than adults, they require smaller and cheaper items such as clothes, tools, and food portions. This aspect in particular doesn’t affect the children, but the companies. For example, if you pay only an extra dollar for the larger tool, it may seem like a little but it adds up to a large amount. Allowing child labor saves 100% more money. This saves money for the company and allows it to grow and flourish.

In conclusion, child labor has a positive influence that outweighs the cons. Not only does it allow the business to profit and grow, but it keeps children and their families off the streets, and gives them a stable source of income for food and shelter. Instead of trying to prevent child labor, I believe letting it be is the best thing we can do, wouldn’t you agree?

The author's comments:

This is a satirical piece on child labor

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