Joes high school experience | Teen Ink

Joes high school experience

May 10, 2023
By sammierosw08 BRONZE, Nyc, New York
sammierosw08 BRONZE, Nyc, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm Joe, a high school student who had a passion for football. I've been playing football since I was five years old, and I was the star quarterback of the team. Everyone loved me, and I loved the game. 

However, I was struggling to keep up with my grades, which was a requirement to play football and to continue in college. I was determined to play football in college and to get into my dream college, Rutgers University.

It all started when I was in my junior year of high school. My grades were slipping, and I was worried that I would not be able to play football in college. I knew that I had to work hard to get my grades up. I started studying more and attending after-school tutoring sessions. Despite my hard work, my grades did not improve as much as I had hoped.

My football coach noticed that I was struggling and called me into his office. "Joe, I've noticed that your grades are slipping. You know that you need to maintain a certain GPA to play football and to continue in college. What's going on?"

I explained to my coach that I was struggling to keep up with my classes and that I was worried that I would not be able to play football in college. 

My coach listened to me and told me that I needed to work harder and that I should not give up on my dreams.

I was motivated by my coach's words and started working even harder. I spent every free moment studying and attending tutoring sessions. I was determined to get into Rutgers University and to play football.

The day of the big game arrived, and I was nervous. I knew that this game was important, and I wanted to do well. I had been practicing hard and was ready to give it my all. The game was intense, and both teams were playing their best.

In the final minutes of the game, I held the ball, feeling the laces, i was so nervous. But I threw a touchdown pass that won the game. The crowd went wild, and my teammates lifted me up in celebration. I was ecstatic, and I knew that this was the moment I had been waiting for.

After the game, I received a phone call from Rutgers University. They had reviewed my application and were impressed with my hard work and dedication. They offered me a spot on their football team and a full scholarship to attend the university.

I was overjoyed and knew that all of my hard work had paid off. I went on to play football for Rutgers University and was named the MVP of the team. I graduated with honors and went on to have a successful career


Looking back, I realized that my struggles with grades had taught me an important lesson. 

I learnt to balance my schoolwork and football responsibilities. I looks back and realize how grateful i was for all the support of my many teachers, coaches, and teammates and knows that I couldn't have done it without them.

The author's comments:

Im Samantha im also a high school student and athlete. I understands how hard it is to keep up grade and all this hard. i

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