Welcome back the ruins. | Teen Ink

Welcome back the ruins.

October 23, 2010
By BaileyAmour3 BRONZE, Waynesville, Illinois
BaileyAmour3 BRONZE, Waynesville, Illinois
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Remember what we were. Know what we are. Wonder what we could have been. -BaileyAmour3

Deep within the valley of passion and envy, once lie a soul that was brutally beaten, dismembered and trampled.

Though her life was once a easy and serene place, over a few months it mutated into a demonic wasteland.

The cause for this betrayal was an ignorant teenage boy, who reached his hand into her chest, and claimed the rights to her heart. Later, he abolished the fragile object. The girl herself, became turned into the ruins.

For months, she sauntered around the earth attempting to discover an antidote to the agony the moron caused but failed.

Until, a little less than a year later. She found it or in other words, him. She found her antidote, and everything became perfect once again.

She fell in love. For real.

But, everybody knows that nothing ever lasts these days.
He left her too, even more demolished actually. Though, they still loved each other, it could never be. One thousand miles is much too far for teenage love too work. </3
And once again, she became the ruins.

The author's comments:
I miss you..

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