Bully | Teen Ink


December 14, 2017
By rileycrabtree BRONZE, Athens,tx, Texas
rileycrabtree BRONZE, Athens,tx, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is hard, but everyone should love themselves and  think about what other think about them. People get bullied every day for the way they look, talk, walk, what they wear, and a lot more. Sometimes, other people don’t care how their actions make others


Karlie was a 15 year old girl who lived in Dallas. It is a big town with a lot of people. It was the middle of the year at school and Karlie didn't have any friends. All of the football boys and cheerleader bullied her except one.
His name was Chad. Chad was on JV football. He was also Karlie’s secret admirer. He would leave a note in karlie’s locker everyday saying how much he loved her, but Karlie never knew it was him.

Chad watched Karlie get bullied every day but never had the guts to actually talk to her. She ran down the hall into the janitor's closet where she thought nobody could find her. Finally Chad manned up and chased after her. He opened the door to the closet, and Karlie was cuddled up in the corner crying. Chad sat next to her, put his arm around her and asked if she was okay. There was no answer, so Chad remained there till she finally said something,“ Why are you here and not with your friends?” He explained to her that he wasn’t a bully. The stayed in the closet for three classes.

He thought about telling her that he was the one putting the notes in her locker, but he didn't want anything weird between them. He also wanted to hide his secret from her cause he loved her. He looked at her nervously and she asked “ Is everything alright?”, “Karlie, i've been wanting to tell you this for a long time but I never had the guts, i like you.” She looked at him, shocked, but didn't say anything. Karlie had never been liked by anyone, not even as a friend. She stared at Chad with sparkling eyes. She liked the thought that someone actually liked her.

A couple of days passed, Karlie was still getting notes in her locker, So she decided to send some back. Every day, she watched Chad open the note and smile. Chad and Karlie exchanged numbers and started hanging out everyday. They went to the Movies and had the greatest time together. The next couple days at school Karlie didn’t get any notes in her locker. Chad didn’t even text her.  At lunch that day she saw Chad sitting by all the football boy, right next to him was morgan. Morgan was the most popular cheerleader in school. Chad and her were laughing and it looked like they were having a good time. Karlie was devastated. She grabbed her lunch and ran to the janitor's closet. She stayed in there till the bell rang to go home.

When she got home she had  text from Chad. She didn’t want to open it cause she already knew what i was probably about, but she opened it anyway.

“ Hey Karlie , sorry about earlier at lunch. She needed to tell me something I didn’t mean to hurt you.” .
Karlie didn’t believe him so she just left him on read.

The next morning at school everybody was staring at her and laughing. Karlie didn’t know what she did. She then walked passed Morgan.

“ Did you really think Chad likes you?”

Karlie stood there a second and thought about it and turned around. Walking down the hall was Chad. Karlie took a deep breath and walked over to Chad and told him what a jerk he was.

She got home and layed on her bed. She felt really proud of herself for saying that to Chad, but at the same time she was sad for being lied too. Chad kept texting her over and over again but Karlie never replied.

Her and Chad never talked again. Every time she saw Chad in the hall she would avoid him. Karlie moved on with her life and set all her bullies aside. 

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