Human of Parsippany | Teen Ink

Human of Parsippany

May 31, 2022
By NatalyaS BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
NatalyaS BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I regret not spending more time with my grandparents to learn their history, what they went through coming to the United States from their country. I wish I would have spent more time hearing about their stories and learning more about family members that never made it to the United States or died because of the war. They didn't talk about that stuff. It was all so painful but that also means that we never learned about all the family members we had and past history. I regret not learning Ukrainian better. I wish I would have worked more to do better with learning the language. I can hold my own but I don't speak as well as I would like to.  I wish I would have taken it more seriously so that I would have learned Ukrainian better or even spoken Ukrainian with my parents more. You know I can have a conversation with my grandparents but today my Ukrainian is very elementary.”(Parsippany, NJ) Natalya Soltys. 

The author's comments:

An interview of my mother. This piece reminds me to learn about my family history and where i came from.


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