Humans of Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans of Parsippany

March 16, 2024
By AshrithT BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
AshrithT BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Overall, it would be my family. I am most thankful for them because they are everything for me, they always care and look after me. I feel that they are very important to me and that I can never live without them. Something that scares me is the fact that my children are not close to me if my health is ever unwell. As people grow older, it is a fear that comes up when your kids are not near you. It makes me worry about who would take care of me. I’m scared that both of my kids are not near me to take care of me if something like that happens. When my son got into a car accident, I thought I would lose him and I felt afraid. In the end, he ended up being okay with an injury which made me relieved. I always love my family dearly.”

The author's comments:

Dedicated to my grandmother and written for a school project.


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