Did that just happen? | Teen Ink

Did that just happen?

January 19, 2010
By Kurtis Kujawski SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kurtis Kujawski SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Sunday morning when James made his way to Waukesha to take his road test. He passed with ease according to him. The day was going well so far for James. But not for long. Being his first day driving he was rather nervous while driving that day. Especially because there was a snowfall in the air making the sky a white haze.
This story starts and stops in the same place- stopped on top of a slippery hill. The scenario doesn’t seem bleak- that is until an unexpected Latino man hurriedly tugged at his door handle. He said “I didn’t know what to do when this middle aged man sat down in the passenger seat of my car”. “He just was blurting out nonsensical extremities”. “The man thought he was being chased by a coyote and a few deer”. Whether James or his Latino surprise were experiencing hallucinogens or not, what happened was rare and ridiculous.
While sitting there, trying to gather what was exactly going on, the car started to inch forward. James car was starting to slide down the icy hill. With a crazed Latino in his passenger seat and a moving car. Things couldn’t get worse.
“Get out of my car or else” James said. “Or else what?” I asked James. He responded with “Or else I am going to let the deer and coyote know where you are”. Right then his car started rolling down the hill. As that was occurring, the passenger door flew open and the mystery man was rolling alongside his car. “I got my car in drive and sure enough a couple deer and a 3 foot tall coyote stood wide eyed in my rearview mirror, what a day” he said as he continued on his way through the thick wintery weather.

The author's comments:
My friend had a mighty interesting experiance


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