Alex T | Teen Ink

Alex T

January 18, 2011
By august miller SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
august miller SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I take each day as it is comes, I’m not thinking about tomorrow or grieving about yesterday, all I can focus on is how beautiful today is and making something that is worth remembering,” says Alex T., 17.

Some of Alex’s favorite moments in life are spontaneous ideas that come to life right before his eyes because he believes in living in the moment

One spontaneous moment that Alex remember vividly was one day waking up figuring out it was a snow day

“Hell Yeah,” He remembers saying to himself

AS he is sitting eating his breakfast, he looks out his window and what he sees is a whole days worth of fun. He calls up his friends and tells them

“No school, get over here now.”

AS he collects his snow gear and laces up his boots, his friends arrive with their snow equipment and they begin to walk out in the snow and up the hill. Then begin the fun, the first run down the hill into the powdery mist. Then a half an hour into the racing the jump building has begun. AS the jump keeps on going higher and higher the test run of the mega jump was ready to go. Of course Alex was the first one to go. Going down the hill faster and faster, he gets closer to the bottom and closer to the jump. Then everything just slowed down.

“As I started flying off the jump all I could fell was the excitement and rush of adrenaline going through my body. It was exciting, terrifying, and peaceful all at the same time.”
As he hit the ground explodes as everything around him turns white. He hits with such great force that his friends at the top of the hill come running down to see if he’s ok. As they turn him over the one thing he says is
“That was awesome”
And he pops right up and walks back up the hill to get in another exciting run that he will do over and over again for the rest of the day.


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