Preparing for the Next Step: College | Teen Ink

Preparing for the Next Step: College

February 12, 2015
By kassidy.tarala PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
kassidy.tarala PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As seniors send out their college applications and await potential acceptance letters, an important aspect of preparing for the future involves figuring out what they intend on majoring in. With so many different options some find it hard to make a decision. However, some people have had it figured out for years.

Cariah Ramsey, an Arrowhead senior, says she is planning on double majoring in architecture and history. She says she wants to acquire a job in the business of historic preservation of buildings.

“Since freshman year I’ve really liked engineering and history, so I figured architecture would be best for me,” she says.

Ramsey says she will probably change her mind at some point along the way because there are so many different majors, but she says she is confident architecture and history are right for her.

“I really like molecular biology, too, but architecture is definitely my first choice,” Ramsey says.

She says she has been accepted to each college she has applied to, and her top schools are the University of Oregon and Ball State University.

“I want to live in Oregon or Rhode Island when I’m out of college,” she says.

Ramsey says she is excited to explore architecture and history more in depth during her years in college.

“I like the idea of designing places where people can live but still making them look how I want them to. And I like looking back on the past and at past architecture,” Ramsey says.

Likewise, Emily Landry, an Arrowhead senior, has had her intended major figured out for awhile. She says she plans on majoring in music and hopes to become a private piano teacher.

Landry says she has already committed to UW-Whitewater because she really enjoys the music education program they have to offer.

“I might change my major to english because I might want to edit or publish, but music is my number one choice, and I most likely won’t change my mind on that,” she says.

Landry says she wants to choose her major based on how happy it makes her, and she says music makes her very happy, and she can see herself still enjoying it in fifty or more years.

“I want to teach piano because playing it makes me happy, and I want to share that happiness with others,” she says.

Similar to Ramsey and Landry, Ian Cogswell, an Arrowhead senior, believes he has his major decided. He says he plans on majoring in chemistry to become a veterinarian.

Cogswell says he applied to UW-Madison, UMN-Twin Cities, and Washington University in St. Louis.

“I’d like to go to Wash-U, but it’s very expensive,” he says.

Cogswell says he isn’t sure which school he will attend, but he is fairly certain that his intended major will remain the same no matter where he ends up.

“I figured out what I want to major in during high school because I love animals and I want to spend my life helping them and making them as happy as they make me,” he says.


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