helplessness | Teen Ink


June 12, 2011
By dreamlife BRONZE, Edison, New Jersey
dreamlife BRONZE, Edison, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I feel relieved and happy <br /> A joke, a certain situation, A predicament <br /> Why is it funny? I enjoy your company, I can tell you anything and everything <br /> With your quirks and mine we connect

A scene of misfortune, the aisle of white has steps of uncertainty and love But the path made may become broken ripping flying away like a curtain blown by the wind ones world is shifted to more confused and deserted, how could it happen to me? Being brokenhearted, abandoned consumed by sadness healing comes like the ripples in the ocean slowly branching out to the injured parts of ones body, time and forgiveness heals but the hurt will never be forgotten

The author's comments:
its about a connection one has to anotherr and how fragile it could be if not taken care of

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