The Joys of Moving | Teen Ink

The Joys of Moving

June 13, 2011
By WHSRA367 BRONZE, Everson, Washington
WHSRA367 BRONZE, Everson, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Champions are not those who never fail, but those who never quit.<br /> It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves

It had never crossed my mind that we would ever move off of our 30 acre farm. It was my dream place now that I look back at it. Three story house with a full basement, a lot of land, beautiful views, a big barn, and all kinds of trees and forest to play in. I had lived there all my life and had always taken it for granted. My friends had told me their stories of having to move and how tough it was, but I had never thought it would eventually happen to me. Never had I imagined I would have to move because we were so happy where we were living and it was perfect for our lifestyle.

It was during my 7th grade year when my dad told us the news we were moving out of our beautiful huge house in Maple Falls in the middle of the woods into a small one story house (in need if some serious repair. Especially since there were scorch marks in the wall where there were electrical wires leading nowhere) on the outskirts of Everson. It all seemed so unfair. Why us? My dad had told us he couldn’t keep up with the bills so had bought a house in Everson on Massey Rd. the house was a wreck and had to be totally remodeled. We even had to tear down part of the house. I was outraged at first to having been moved from that house, but it wasn’t time to be selfish. Sure he had done it kind of rashly and he could have waited a little longer, but plenty of people had to have far worse moves and I knew I shouldn’t complain. My dad was only trying to do what was best. I had a roof over my head and food in my belly. This was just yet another small bump in the road of life.

What I learned from this experience is to not be selfish. My dad just moved us because he wanted what was best for us in the long run. He had loved that place as much as us and regrets moving all the time especially since he was the one who had cleared the land and built the barn and the house on it. It was a great place to grow up and this experience has just made me be a more patient and understanding person.

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