Lost Love | Teen Ink

Lost Love

August 24, 2011
By pixiechick22 BRONZE, CINCINNATI, Ohio
pixiechick22 BRONZE, CINCINNATI, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you love someone, you receive love back. Don't let a bad situation change your knowledge of this truth. When someone you love dies it is very hard. My little buddy died at the age of 6. I heard the new he has cancer in church before I knew him or his family. As I got to know them my love for Tony grew. He had the sweetest smile. He was bald because of chemo with little blonde hairs growing back. He love playing candy land and often asked me to play with him. On occasions he would stack the deck in order to win. He had a great sense of humor. His knowledge of religion was incredible. He could understand things in the bible some adults could not and he often had dreams about angels. I spent many of my weekends with him, weather it was in the hospital or in his home. In July I went on a family vacation to Florida when I got a call saying Tony was brain dead. I questioned how this could be it was so unfair, but I had to accept the truth. Anthony Richard lost his battle to brain cancer on July 4, 2011. As sad as I was I knew he still loved me. I also knew that he was now happy in Heaven with his angels.

The author's comments:
this is about Tony who died of cancer. We were very close

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