That reassess | Teen Ink

That reassess

September 22, 2011
By Dancindiva758 BRONZE, Blah, Texas
Dancindiva758 BRONZE, Blah, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I feel like everyone hates me or is jelouse of I ask myself.................. Am I too Sexy?! Hahahahaja

On that crispy fall day as i walked into my new school down dose long scary hallways I felt a roller coaster going on in my stomach and my hearth pound like a drum.It was my first day of 1st grade i was starting a new school becaus I at my old one the kids would always push me around point at me laughing and calling me fat. I was scared that it would happen here again since I'm not exactly the skinniest or prettiest girl at school.
My first day went as usual, old scary mean teachers yelling at me occasionally spitting as well, some not so nice kids picking on the new girl.Although their was this one very nice girl with straight dark brown color hair and glasses who tried talking to me.
Then the most horrible thing happened at reassess........ This big old mean big teeth, pizza breath 2nd graders came up to me making fun of me calling me a fat pig, and a ugly stupid little girl. I was mortified how was it that I could not seem to get away from all this bullying what had I done to deserve this. Okay so to be honest I wasn't the best daughter in the world but I wasn't even near the worst and I was always good at school.
I felt big huge tear drops rolling down my face, my nose was stuffed up and my heart hurt as if these kids had just cut it into tiny little pieces and ate it piece by piece savoring my hurt. The kids began again but this time adding a chorus of 'Cry baby' over and over and over again. When I thought I was for sure about to have a break down all of a sudden I hear a squeaky voice coming from behind me.
" Don't you have some better to do you big bully's why don't you go pick on someone you're own size or ill have to hurt you even though I don't want to."
After some snickering from the big kids they finally turn around and leave. I spin around to meet my rescuer and started laughing he had long straight hair a funny looking nose and he looked kinda cute.
"so thank you" I said kindly and turned around to walk away when he asks in a squeaky mouse voice. " that's all I get not even a name?"
"well for now you can call me damsel in distress" I respond smiling and stretching my arm for a handshake.
"well then you can call me superman!" he says and starts laughing as he strikes a pose and then takes my hand and that's the start of a beautiful and long friendship.

The author's comments:
me and this guy are still friends to this day

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