My Big Girl Bike | Teen Ink

My Big Girl Bike

October 5, 2011
By Morgan Tetzlaff BRONZE, Brandon, Wisconsin
Morgan Tetzlaff BRONZE, Brandon, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Riding outside with my two year, old training wheeled bike, I realized I wanted to be like my dad, and brother Blake. So I went to my dad, and demanded him to take my training wheels off. Then he did, and then he told me to ride my bike on the grass so I don't get hurt on the road. First, I tied my shoes then I got grippe on the handle bars and I was off. “Daddy, Daddy I'm ridding my bike”, but then I looked behind me and saw that my brother was holding on to the seat the whole time. Then he let go, and I went down like a watermelon falling from the sky, so then I got back up and feel again, and again,and guess what again.In addition, I gave up, but then the next day I got home from school with Blake, so then I decided to ask Blake if I could go outside but he said that he was going to stay inside today. Furthermore, then I went to get my bike in the garage, and I took it outside on the grass. So, then I got my helmet, and got gripe on the handle bars then I was gone. I could feel the wind in my hair like I was flying in circles and then I new I was ridding my big girl bike. So, then when my dad got home I went strait to him and told him I finally learned how to ride my bike.

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