timothy mertz | Teen Ink

timothy mertz

October 28, 2011
By timothy mertz BRONZE, Bedford, Kentucky
timothy mertz BRONZE, Bedford, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Timmy is a young man that was born October 8, 1993; he lived in a little town of Bedford Kentucky his whole life. Timmy was a good student throughout his Elementary school years. When he hit middle school he started slacking on work and goofing off in class, although he made it to high school he still his clownish ways. Timmy could make good grades but he chooses not to, because he gets a better feeling when people are laughing with him instead of at him. Timmy plans to graduate from high school and go to college or a tech school, and have a family someday. He would like to be the world’s greatest dad to his kids one day. He would love to live in a small home in the country. Timmy plans on getting a real good paying job. Timmy plans to straighten up because he is a 18 year old sophomore and isn’t very proud of it. So he’s going to step up his game.

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its all about me

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