Cokey | Teen Ink


November 11, 2011
By DaQuan Rollen BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
DaQuan Rollen BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year was 2006,one week after my birthday on a Saturday.I was so excited to go to Dave &Busters to have fun with my family and friends.But my dog ran away a day go but he always used to do that and always came back.

"Mom where is Cokey?" I asked my mom. She shurged her shoulders and said "I don't know."

Knowing that my mom didn't know where he was I asked "He will come back...right?"

My mom shurged her shoulders once more. So hoping for the best, we packed all the stuff into the car and got ready to go.

"Are you ready!? I asked exactingly. "Yes." she said.

Ready to have fun , we stopped half way down the block. She looked back at me with tears in her eyes. Trying to see what she was looking at , i finally managed to see what she was looking at. It was like i had seen a ghost just pass my window.First i went into shock,next came sadness. I cry ed so much just in those few moments. I was also still trying to develop what happen.Saying to myself in my head
" couldn't be Cokey."
Next was the stage of anger.Still crying i was yelling out
"Somebody will pay for this!!" very loudly. That day i barely had fun , feeling down and depressed. My friends would say "Hey lets go over here!" or "Lets do this!"I was really to sad to do anything. That was the first time of me crying in public and not caring who saw.About a week later i was still really down about my dog. So my mom told me
"Its okay DaQuan, he is in doggy heaven.So this is the time you can let it all out in your room.Sometimes its healthy for people to let it out then keep it in."So i went in my room ,closed the door and let it all out. Eventually i felt better.But i will never forget him,my first dog,my Cokey.

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