Rambling Autobiography | Teen Ink

Rambling Autobiography

December 24, 2011
By dsanders BRONZE, Great Falls, Montana
dsanders BRONZE, Great Falls, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Think rich, look poor." -Andy Warhol

My name was spelled incorrectly on my birth certificate for the first week of my life. I will drink hot chocolate in the middle of summer. My sister's name is Breezy, I love her. When I was five, I gave myself my own haircut; if it wasn't for all of the dresses I wore, I would have easily been mistaken for a boy. I am terrible at Geometry and keeping my mouth shut. My best friend has a scar on her nose from where my favorite cat scratched her when she was six. My Grandmother drove her car through the garage door because she confused the gas with the brake; she and the car were fine: the garage door...not so much. My favorite season is winter because I love snow. I hate how dry and ugly Great Falls looks in the early spring and fall. There is a three-way-tie for my favorite band: Young the Giant, Foster the People, and Mumford and Sons. I chose to perm my hair in sixth grade against my mother's advice: one of the worst decisions of my life. My mom's mom lives in the basement. Unfortunately, I have had braces on my teeth for over two years with seemingly no hope of having them removed anytime soon. I have traveled to twenty-seven of the fifty states. This morning I ate a cinnamon roll.

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