September 11, 2001 | Teen Ink

September 11, 2001

December 14, 2011
By truckdaddy BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
truckdaddy BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

September 11, 2011

A plane flew into the north tower on September 11, 2011, but not all who saw the plane hit panicked, Chances are, it was just a mistake. Downtown, firefighters were scrambling to get to the towers as fast as they could. Every firefighter in the city went to the towers as fast as they could. Faster than lightning, another plane hit the second tower. God only knows the horror that was taking place on this day in New York City. Horrible smoke rose from the towers in New York City. Just as the towers fell and hit the ground, the massive impact killed thousands of people. Killing was the only thing that happened on this horrific day. Lights from fireman were all over the ruins looking, praying, for survivors. Many people lost their loved ones in this horrible crime. Nobody, even in their nightmares, would have thought this would happen. “Oh my God,” was the only phrase heard all over the world. Pure horror cannot even begin to describe what happened on this day.

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