The Day I Realized Real Love | Teen Ink

The Day I Realized Real Love

January 19, 2012
By LiseyPooh BRONZE, Magnolia, Mississippi
LiseyPooh BRONZE, Magnolia, Mississippi
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let Go and Let God!

“All love is sweet, given or returned. Common as light is love and its familiar voice wearies not over. They who inspire it most are fortunate, as I am now; but those who feel it most are happier still.” This particular quote by Percy Byshe Shelley describes me perfectly on October 10, 2011.
The previously mentioned date was the day after I was united in the most loving and caring relationship of the century. As I awakened that morning, I knew my day would be very good. I felt like a butterfly floating in the sky. The only problem I would have that day would be concentrating in class. Generally speaking, that was my only problem that day.
When I arrived at the place of higher education, I could not wait to express my exciting feelings of love to my best friend. Shunda took one glance at me upon my approach and immediately acknowledged the sparkle in my eye. She told me that my eyes were sparkling like the bright and shinning star in the night sky. At that point in time, I could feel my cheeks burning like the summer sun. My mouth was like a waterfall as I told Shunda all the wonderful things about my beau. She was attentive like a fox.

Arriving at my Chemistry class, I was overwhelmed with joy. My instructor was out, giving me the fortunate opportunity to dwindle in lavish thoughts of my one true love. Shunda was talking to me throughout class; unfortunately, I did not hear everything she was saying. A beautiful wall of flowers was between my dear sister and me. For the time being, Shunda understood why I was like a bowl of oatmeal. I was lost in my sea of love.

As I sat in Accelerated English IV, it was like I was in another world. My face was glowing like the sun and my heart was running a race of its own. Paying attention in class was like being enticed by chocolate. I felt like I was on top of the world, and no one could tell me anything. I will admit I was a little too happy and giggling would be hard to contain. I really was on a natural high in the universe of love.

I knew I should have been paying attention in English, but I could not. The instructor began to sound like the grown ups on Charlie Brown. The classroom was becoming a garden full of roses as I imagined he and I were the only people there. Like always, Shunda was there to bring me back into reality. She had developed a plan to keep me focused in this crucial class. The idea was to write a Shakespearean sonnet about the feelings I had for my love. Not only was I keeping my happy for the day, it made me seem like I was on task through the duration of class.

The rest of the day, I was like a mother holding her newborn baby girl for the first time. The melting of my heart and the butterflies in my stomach were the very signals of what I had finally came upon-a real, true love. In the words of George Sand, “There is only one happiness in life, to love and to be loved.”

The author's comments:
Many people say that we are too young to know what love is. Through all the heartbreaks and pains that come with them, I realized what the people say is not true. I realized a real true love, and it was love at first sight.

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