Lakota | Teen Ink


January 18, 2012
By bmw2012 BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
bmw2012 BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I gaze out from my front porch, I can see the moisture in the air beginning to rise, creating mist. The sun is rising, about to warm the Earth. I can see the three humongous trees blossoming and ready to enjoy another day of fresh air and warm summer sun. I look in the distance, and I see my favorite tree, which is the biggest of them all. But, behind my favorite tree, one lonely tree stands by itself. It’s withering away, about to die.
I ponder on the thought of that tree, until suddenly, I hear the sound of horses galloping around. The thumping of the hooves sounds determined, as if a medieval joust was about to start. And yet, it sounds calming, because I know that my horses are about to make their grand appearance, which always brightens up my day. They finally come running around the fence, racing with each other. They start to slow, making them appear even more majestic.

My favorite horse, Lakota, is the biggest of the three. She gazes toward me, wags her tail, then goes back to grazing grass. The cutest of the three is also the smallest. Acorn is so tiny that two of her put together would not be able to stand up to either Lakota or Arrow.

Lakota gazes over at me, waiting for a treat. I walk down toward the mile-long fence and give her a carrot. Unlike some horses, she takes it gently. It’s almost as if she knows that she needs to be careful. After all, she wouldn’t want to bite my hand off.

I make my way to the stable in order to get the saddle and harness for Lakota. As I am about to put it on her, she glances over toward me. I can almost see her smiling. She knows that she is going to be ridden. When the saddle and harness are finally secure, I take Lakota out and we ride into the distance as Acorn and Arrow continue to graze.

As we ride, I feel the strong wind pushing me back. I feel as if I’m flying. When I finally slow her down, I realize that she is getting weary and wants to go back. We turn around, and slowly make the trip back home, where Lakota can play with her friends for the rest of the day.

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