The First Thirteen Years of my Life | Teen Ink

The First Thirteen Years of my Life

March 1, 2012
By Taneia Schulz BRONZE, Escondido, California
Taneia Schulz BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nov. 19, 1998 was the first day I opened my eyes, breathed in my fresh air for the first time. Thirteen years later on the anniversary of that day is when I close my eyes, and bow out my candles, and begin my journey of being thirteen. So far I’ve been thirteen for about a month now, age is but a number, not really life changing as others would describe it. Sure there will be ups and downs, but I’ll always find a way through it. Don’t get me wrong being thirteen is fun, knowing that you’re finally a teen, and sort of entering the years of adult hood. I feel that when you’re a teenager you get to explore the world in so many possible ways and learn new things. I like to look at the “term” of getting older as more experience in things, and being a role model for those who are younger, and look up to the ones that are older than you and wondering that hopefully you will someday follow in there footsteps. Being thirteen doesn’t mean you have to go through the jerks and heart breaking break-ups, it sounds like something a mom would say to encourage you to steer your life in another direction, but what I’m saying is true. There’s more to life than boys, etc. I’m glad my mother taught me well, and I’m happy I look forward to going to college and that I’m focused on other things. I am 13 years old and I still have many years ahead of me!

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