Memior 7456 | Teen Ink

Memior 7456

April 27, 2012
By leon.murray BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
leon.murray BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Giving directions, watching for progress. I was helping middle school robotics team, mainly because I wanted to get my community service done. We had to practice our interview for the tournament and I was ok. i got this!! I did this last year. This isn’t anything to me. But when it was my turn to practice interview, I froze up .I was thinking so hard about what I was going to say. Umm maybe I should act like a business man or even maybe a car dealer .But if I act like me I’ll be too goofy or silly. So I started to ramble on about the questions. Then in the middle of me talking he said”stop talking”. I thought Man I messed up badly. Then he said” Stop trying to be like everyone else be Leon.”

I felt like they were dissing me hard man. But later to say” I would be a great teacher because of my patience. Ok I admit it was easy managing a team with very diverst people.2 kids was autistic. One asks questions like every 2 minutes and the other is timid or witless.” So it made me feel good that they completed me. I felt great. I was thinking I am the stuff man. I remember this 1 time where there entire robot fell apart, day before compete. Yelling and complaining, worst gave up like they were losers. I thought “Wow can’t believe they put mountain of tape on it, and it wash away.” So I told them” Guys, see what happen when u over do things. Now take the tape off”. I was kinda nervous, happy that they listen. Ripp, Tear, cut. The tape was being annihilated. So once the tape of I told them”OK now were going to put a little gorilla tape on each joint.” So I show next I showed the guys how to do it right.

Once done rebuilding they were so proud of themselves, but there were different ideas about how to improve it. Yelling, fighting, and arguing. Lol feel like I’m at congress. So I made them be quiet and talk to each other in turns. They started speaking to each other like they had common sense now. Finally after a 30 minute talk to one another the team was ready to finish, like finally I wish I can do this with my team without them being stubborn and change.

Yelling, screaming, scores, and water. The competition was on. They were yelling and screaming and worst asking me questions. “How we get the duck Mr. Murray””Mr. Murray I need help!” I could not respond back well because that mourning I got sick. The pain of my throat was terrible; I was sucking halls left and right. They only got like 100 points nowhere near the other teams. But I was proud to say the least that Everyone said”Thanks Mr. Murray for helping us “and I thought I over heared”I can’t wait until next year to do this again. That even though they didn’t win they had fun.

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