Giving | Teen Ink


April 27, 2012
By nezzie BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
nezzie BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was much younger I had a dolly name Chloe. It was my favorite doll; she had long black hair with big pretty curls that made every little girl so excited to comb. I dressed her in a pretty pink dress and played with her almost every day. When I started to get a little older my little sister would always skulk around my bedroom dresser when I wasn’t around or sleep but ill notice that Chloe was missing and my sister would always be the first person I think of because she would always take her. So I would confront her about it and she would always either lie about it or say “you don’t even play with her anymore your too old “.
Then ill just take it back from her. One day I had thought about what she said, she was right I am too old to be playing with a doll, so I went on and gave Chloe to my sister because I knew she felt the same way about her as I did when I was her age.

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