The Day That Changed Me | Teen Ink

The Day That Changed Me

June 1, 2012
By Anonymous

I was 13 years old. I was at a newly-wed couples farm, outside of town at Modesto, California. It was getting very dark out. But still very warm. Because it was getting very dark out, everyone was going to a big wedding tent to stay together.

My cousin Micheal and I got really hot in the tent and left. We started walking around the field. As we were walking. We heard a scream. Micheal and I ran to the screaming cry of help. I saw a drunk man standing over a girl, like an angry man standing over an abused puppy. I ran over punched him and pushed him away. Micheal grabbed the girl and left. He ran off into the field but I couldn't tell where he ran. I caught up to Micheal and the girl. I sat her down. She had bruises on her face, blood pouring down her nose and lips.

I took off my shirt and gave it to her to stop the blood from pouring from her face. Micheal went to get help from an adult. While Micheal left she thanked me for helping her and hugged me, sobbing in tears and shaking from the dramatic event that just occurred. I was cleaning her up when my aunt came.

My aunt came running over to help us out. I stood up and carried the girl inside the house.

I remembered this memory for months. I hated that moment. I never want to see a girl being hurt again. That day changed me... I will always remember that day.

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