My 1st Driving Experience | Teen Ink

My 1st Driving Experience

June 1, 2012
By Airhead BRONZE, Sunnyside, Washington
Airhead BRONZE, Sunnyside, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Smile always :)

I get in the car. The car that I always wanted to drive. I was scared and thinking all sorts of things that could happen like I could crash or I could hit someone or die!

My Mom, who always gets alarmed when I drive, says “Calm down! You can do this.
It’s either now or never.”

My sweaty, shaky hands touch the steering wheel. As I start to turn, I’m closing my eyes. My mom yells out!, “don't close your eyes!” and I yelled Shut up!

I thought I was going to hit something in that moment.

I panicked and I furiously pressed the gas thinking it was the brake. When i realized it was the gas pedal,

Gladly I did’t hit anyone or anything.

I quickly pressed the brake. worst driving experience ever.

My mom, said in a loud voice “put the car on park!” and she said get off !!
I traded seats with her feeling alarmed.

When I entered my freshmen year, I was amused to take driver’s Ed.

I realized driving isn’t as scary as i thought it was. I’ve actually become used to driving and I think it’s one of the easiest things to do out there .

I quickly learned how to drive and the best part is I got my permit!

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