The Big Mistake | Teen Ink

The Big Mistake

October 18, 2012
By Anonymous

As I was on the phone with him telling him he couldn’t see his own two daughters, me and my little sister, he started to cry which made me cry because I missed him so much but I didn’t tell him. As I hung up the phone we told each other we loved one another

One random day before my mom’s birthday, my friends and family and I were pumpkin picking. It was a beautiful sunny, chilly day. We got back to the house to carve pumpkins; we all laughed and giggled while taking pictures. The smell of candles filled the house with a beautiful smell. After we got done carving pumpkins, my mom and I dropped my little sister’s friend off. My mom got a phone call on the way and started to tear up and we pulled up to the girl’s house and my mom asked her to hurry and get out please. On our way home I asked my mom what was wrong and she told me she would tell my little sister and me when we were on our way. I asked her where we were going, but she didn’t’ reply. We arrived home and my mom went in the kitchen with her boyfriend and explained what happened and he hugged me and started to cry and said I love you and I’m sorry. I kept on asking for what. We were on our way to the hospital, half way there I asked my mom what was going on and she told me. “He’s gone. Your father passed away from overdosing on drugs and had alcohol poisoning.” The first thing that popped up in my mind was this is my fault I was so mean to him.

We arrived at the hospital, family members walked up to us crying, bringing us to this room where the rest of the family and this man was that explained what had happened. After the man was done talking, he brought my little sister and I to the room he was in, As we walked into the room, we both broke down in tears, I looked at him scared, not knowing what to do. Seeing the sad look on his face with his ruffled hair and the tear drop running down the side of his face, him laying there an the stretcher. I asked myself, “What was he thinking when he did it? Amber? Me? Meg? Or just life in general? Why would he do this to himself or his family and friends? Did he do it on purpose or on accident? When I looked at him on the stretcher again I bent over and hugged him, but didn’t want to let go even though he was so cold, stiff and smelled like alcohol.

A few days later at his wake he looked so happy and handsome in his sweater. I knelt down by his coffin and talked to him apologizing for being so mean and now that he’s gone he could do better and take care of amber in heaven. The funeral was the second hardest saying my last goodbyes to my own father, seeing the family crying, I just know he will be with us along with Amber. I remember at my sister’s funeral my father walked with me to say our goodbyes to amber. It was so quiet but bright. I knew she was there with us. After Amber was gone, Daddy was my only best friend I could talk to and tell anything to, If I could take back all the mean stuff I said I would.

The point of my story is to love and cherish everything you have because you never know when it will be gone, no matter how mad you are at them. I learned to never disrespect anyone, especially family. I’m so happy with my family but I with I still had my father and older sister. To this day I think I’m sorry and wonder would my dad have died if I wasn’t so mean that day on the phone.

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