Heartbreak Possession | Teen Ink

Heartbreak Possession

November 24, 2012
By Anonymous

I found your sweatshirt in my room today. I immediately held it up to my face to see if your scent was still there. It was. That sweet crisp scent of cinnamon and fresh fall leaves. Then, it brought my mind to when you gave it to me. That was a funny story, I tell you! I needed to switch out of my sister's shirt before she found out, so you gave me your sweatshirt. It was like a poncho on me! All of a sudden, I was worried. So I went downstairs to ask my mom what to do with it. She said that I should throw it away since we couldn't return it. But instead, I went back upstairs and found every token you had given me. And put it in a box. Your hat, our pictures, rings, necklaces, my Spanish guitar, even the stuffed animal you won for me at the county fair. I would've cried, but it was too late. After all, I'm the one who cheated on you and got you in trouble. But I couldn't put something in that box I wish I could take back. You had my virginity. But I had your sweatshirt. Something that you wish you had back too.

The author's comments:
I was cleaning my room. I found my ex-boyfriend's stuff, and decided that I need to get rid of this stuff to move on with my life.

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