First Love | Teen Ink

First Love

March 17, 2014
By Anonymous

The first time a boy ever told me that the loved me was when I was ten. I barely knew him. I met him at a water park and never saw him again. He made friends with my brother, and when he first saw me, he looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. The first thing he said to my brother was "that's your sister?" And he followed us around the entire day. As soon as I was with him without my brother trailing along, and I was about to down a slide, he told me that he loved me, in front of all of those people. I was a bit embarrassed. When I got back to the hotel room, I flopped onto the bed and contemplated what he told me. I was confused and bewildered by his declaration. It gave me a bad feeling. I thought "why me? I'm too young for this." Over and over again. I didn't understand it. Since then, no boy has ever told me that I was pretty or that they liked me. I suppose I'll meet the right guy one day. One that makes me feel good about love. First I have to learn what love is.

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