Learning About Yourself | Teen Ink

Learning About Yourself

October 26, 2014
By JustinVienuzis BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
JustinVienuzis BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A question was once asked in school “who do you think you are and how can you prove it?” I feel this question is fairly simple to answer, as it is just an evaluation of yourself. In my opinion as you start to get older and begin to mature you learn about yourself and who you really are. When you’re young you don’t think about life in the future you only worry about having fun and living every moment an adventure. When reflecting upon yourself you realize how much your personality and your behavior changes. When I was a kid I used to think school didn’t matter and only wanted to go to school to talk to friends and have a good time. I no longer believe that school isn’t important instead I believe to be one of the most important things within life.

When I was first asked this question I sat still in my seat with a pencil in my hand, not coming to the understanding that it’s really just how you think you are as a person. Although I didn’t think much about the question at the time, but instead letting my mind wander around into another world of what I wanted, I realized why my teacher asked me the question of who I think I am. What I realized wasn’t that our teacher wanted to just give us something to do but instead to see if we can explore our selves, and to challenge us further by us observing change. It’s funny to redraw memories from when we were younger, and then to see what  you have become so far in life. Your life changes without you noticing it, until you reflect upon it. This one simple question is one that makes me keep thinking, one that helps myself see who I am.

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