Something I Outgrew | Teen Ink

Something I Outgrew

December 4, 2015
By kealy_moffitt BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
kealy_moffitt BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"out of sight, out of mind"

Almost anything you can think of you can outgrow. People outgrow clothes all of the time. People outgrow their favorite class subject all of the time. People also outgrow their favorite movies, foods, books, and loved ones. Because of this I am sure that if you made a list describing yourself in sixth grade then marked off all of the things you outgrew then you would end up marking off the entire list because you have outgrown almost everything on it except for your name. However you can also outgrow your name. If you were to ask an adult with the name Savannah I can almost guarantee you that they do not want to be called “Savage”.

There are so many things you can outgrow, and this is why I am only going to mention some of the fewer things you can never outgrow. You can never outgrow the urge to hug, lay on, or smell freshly dried laundry. You will also never outgrow the love for Disney movies. Most people will not outgrow hugging their parents or the longing to be praised for doing something right either. Keeping in mind that when I say “most people” I am talking about the people who already have these existing habits. I hope you can see the irony in outgrowing something you do not already have a habit of doing. You cannot outgrow the habit of biting your nails if you do not already have it.

Although this paper is mainly supposed to be about something I outgrew, I have based it off of the general idea of outgrowing things. This is because I outgrew the habit of saying the word “I” in every sentence. I now realize that it really bothers some people. Another reason I do not like to use the word “I” is that it is often hard to think of something to say about myself. I need a break sometimes. I don’t like to make things about me, but looking back at this paragraph you would not know would you…? I mean I do not think so but that may just be because I never really outgrew it.

At this point in my paper I think it is safe to say that I will have outgrown the word “outgrow” by the end of it. This happens because our needs change. For example when we outgrow the use of bubble gum toothpaste it happens because we no longer worry about the taste, we worry about the effectiveness and the smell it leaves in our mouth. Parents get their kids to use it because they need their kids to keep their teeth clean and mainly to get in the habit of brushing their teeth twice a day. But when the kids realize that they need their breath to smell better than bubble mint or be whiter they begin using regular toothpaste because their needs change. This is all about needs. When I said I would outgrow the word outgrow I was right. I have. This also happened because I no longer need to use the word “outgrow”.

The author's comments:

This is an essay I wrote for class and I wanted to submit it because I liked it. I think others might enjoy it as well. The reason I chose this one is because it is the topic I had the most to say about. I think that teens could read this and relate it to their lives.

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