Princess | Teen Ink


January 7, 2016
By Anonymous

She is an angel though she shall never see it. She belongs to a kingdom, but at a young age she was stolen. Depression took her away from all she knew. Although she didn’t know much at that age.

She grew up alone, longing for love. Not being aware what the right kind of love is. Her kidnapper, Depression, taught her all the wrong love. So she grew tainted. Her long orange tinted hair, now a shortened bright purple. Her wrists, red. While he yelled terrible words to her.

Years have passed, not much has happened. She met a girl, with her long eyelashes and failed humor. She was a friend. Although the princess had made a friend, she was still being controlled by depression. Her mouth stained with rolled blunts in the early mornings, and her wrists being casually reminded in the latest of nights.

Her friend sees in her beauty, while the princess sees herself as a pig. She will never know how her friend feels though. Not knowing that the failed humor girl, will do anything, to help the angel sent from above.

The princess might not know, but the friend believes in many things, including hope. Hope to escape her kidnapper. She believes that what the princess sees as a disgrace, she sees as a work of art. She believes that every inch of that body, should be kissed by a good hearted person, not someone depression threw at her. She longs to hold her every night. She just wishes that her tears, were not of fear but of happiness and joy.

The princess is in pain now. The friend is far, locked in a dungeon. Afraid to speak up. The angel, no longer being able to withstand the kidnapper. She spends most nights crying herself to sleep, and all her friend can do is dream, dream to hold her again, promising her it will all be okay.When will I see the beauty of my dreams again, the friend wonders. Though she cries every other night, her wish is never granted. The princess, unaware of the love. They continue to be separated. Dreaming to see each other again.

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