The Wait | Teen Ink

The Wait

January 14, 2016
By DOOOOOD BRONZE, Aspen, Colorado
DOOOOOD BRONZE, Aspen, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Wake up! today is a huge day young man,” screamed my dad. The smell of bacon and waffles ran through my nose. I sat up in my bed trying to remember why today was so important that my dad had to wake me up at nine o’clock on a saturday morning. thoughts ran threw my head, is there a funeral I had forgotten about or a wedding? Than it hit me today we find out if I will be on the varsity hockey team. My stomach dropped as if a twenty pound weight had just fallen on it. Than another a grotesque feeling had appeared my stomach like butterflies had been playing tag with each other, I have always had this feeling before a big game but nothing compared to this. As I walked down my stairs I noticed a dizzy feeling in my body goosebumps running down my spine. I thought how could this day get any more uneasy. But of course it had to my dad indicated again that we had another day of tryouts than we will know what team we will remain the rest of the season on. I finished my breakfast and got in the car. It felt like the longest 2 minutes of my life driving from my house to the rink. I eagerly but nervously hopped out of the car, grabbed my equipment glanced over my shoulder and walked towards the door. I was greeted by my friends at the locker room. As we got ready for the final tryout I noticed something that has never happened in a locker room full of teenage boys…. It was dead silent. That was when I realized i’m not the only one here about to pee my pants. We all waddled out the locker room to the cold, frightening ice. I stepped on the ice and again my body filled of goosebumps like a mountain is created after millions of years of plate tectonics creating the monster mountains surrounding Aspen to this day. This hour of hockey would go by the quickest it’s ever gone in all my years of playing hockey. As we walked in the locker room instead of being quiet all of us were being loud and obnoxious teenage boys we were. As the roars of all the boys ran threw the tightly packed locker room coach walked in and the noises fell as if there was a baby bear not meant to be scared. We waited for a noise and eventually coach said “you will be finding out what team you will be on in the next hour or so.” he started out the door but wasn't finished he than turned again and said “the order will go from oldest to youngest, that will be all.” I sat for a second soaking in what I had just heard. I had to go last. We wondered out the locker room and waited and waited what seemed like 3 days was one hour, than the minute I had been waiting for all day coach says “Dominic, you're up.” I stood up looked at the few of my friends who had been waiting for me and walked into the cold room as if I was convicted of a major crime, coach started, “have a seat.” I slowly sat down and a moment of silence fell across the room. “Dominic, you will be playing varsity hockey this year alongside to seniors, Burke and Victor.”

The author's comments:

This was a day I would never forget being a freshman on a very successful varsity hockey team.

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