A Move That Changed My Life | Teen Ink

A Move That Changed My Life

March 21, 2016
By Kylahollis99 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Kylahollis99 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A million words will not bring you back, I know, because I've tried. Neither will a million tears, I know, because I've cried.

How would you feel sitting in a car full of people for six and a half hours ? On top of that I couldn't stop thinking about how much my life was about to change. I was now living in the reality of life. This is not just a fantasy anymore. I couldn't stop thinking about all the people I was now leaving in the past. What about my family, and all the friends that it took me a while to become close to ? This wasn't so easy.

This move wasn't just because I wanted to but because I had to. After my mom passed my dad decided to come into me and my sister life. Losing my mom wasn't easy but it was something I had to deal with. After losing my mom my sister and I moved in with my grandma, but after a while my dad said he didn't want to pay for two households so he would rather us move with him.

I didn't know how to react to this. It wasn't the first time I moved, but it was the first time I moved over an hour away. This was also the first time I had to make completely new friends. After we got all situated at the new place me and my sister Kayla had to get registered for the new school. This school was pretty big and nice compared to the schools I have went to before.

On the following Thursday we arrived at our new middle school. My first class was science. The kids in there seemed pretty nice, but I just couldn't speak first. I always had a problem with socializing with people first. I felt like maybe people wouldn't like the way I came off so I would wait on them to speak. Between classes I would see my sister. I wasn't quite sure if she liked the school or not.

Later into the school year I meet my best friend through a close friend. I was invited to have lunch with my friend Kyra. She also had two other friends which was Armunie and Tia. Armunie was tall and seemed as if she was mean. Not knowing that this one out of them all would become my best friend. Turns out she wasn't as mean as she looked or seemed. From that point on she always asked me to join her and her friends at their lunch table.

As we became close I decided I wanted to invite her over. Of course my dad said he wanted to meet her parents first. My dad knew a lot of people around there because he worked on cars. I asked her what was her mom name and she told me it was Katrina. She also told me she had a brother name Jeremy. After school I told my dad that her parent name was Katrina and she has a brother name Jeremy. He told me that he had knew them already.

The next weekend I went to her house instead of her coming over mine. I meet all of  her siblings. Her house was a nice size and we also went sledding in her backyard with bucket lids and the buckets. The funniest part about this is when I was going down the hill she flipped me into her bucket. However almost turned into an unpleasant experience though. Armunie mom almost ran into a pole while she was going down the hill.

The author's comments:

No matter how hard you think something can be keep pushing. You never know what you can get out of it. Maybe you can meet new people that will change you and inspire you to do better things like my bestfriend did.

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